

Your First 60 Days at Work: How to Make a Great First Impression

The first 60 days at a new job are critical in establishing a positive impression and setting the tone for your entire tenure with the company. Making a great first impression is not just about your initial interactions; it's a continuous process that involves understanding the company culture, building relationships, and demonstrating your value. In this guide, we will provide a comprehensive plan to help you excel during your first 60 days at work, ensuring a successful start to your career.

Week 1: Orientation and Observation

1. Understand the Company Culture

   - Start by familiarizing yourself with the company's mission, values, and culture. Attend any orientation sessions and read relevant materials provided by HR.

   - Observe how employees interact, dress, and communicate. Align your behavior with the company's culture and values.

2. Meet Your Team and Colleagues

   - Initiate introductions with your team members and colleagues. Be approachable, friendly, and open to learning from them.

   - Ask questions and actively listen to understand their roles and the dynamics within the team.

3. Learn Company Procedures and Policies

   - Review the company's handbook and policies to ensure you're aware of rules and regulations.

   - Understand the company's expectations regarding work hours, breaks, and communication channels.

4. Set Clear Goals and Expectations

   - Discuss your role and responsibilities with your manager. Make sure you understand your key performance indicators (KPIs) and how your success will be measured.

   - Create a personal development plan for the first 60 days, identifying what you want to achieve.

Week 2-4: Learning and Building Relationships

1. Building Relationships:

 Take the initiative to connect with colleagues across different departments. Schedule informal meetings or coffee chats to get to know them better. Networking within the company can provide valuable insights and support.

2. Learning the Ropes:

 Continue to familiarize yourself with your role and responsibilities. Seek guidance from your manager or peers to understand expectations and workflows better.

3. Training and Skill Development:

 Take advantage of any training sessions, workshops, or resources offered by the company to enhance your skills or knowledge related to your job.

4. Seeking Feedback:

 Ask for feedback on your work, if applicable. This shows that you're willing to change and grow Additionally, seek feedback on your understanding of the company's culture and your fit within the team.

5. Contributing Positively:

 Begin contributing ideas or suggestions where appropriate. This could be in team meetings, projects, or discussions. However, ensure you understand the dynamics and processes before suggesting significant changes.

6. Establishing Priorities:

Start setting short-term goals aligned with your role and the company's objectives. This will help you focus on what matters most in your initial days.

7. Adapting and Adjusting:

 Remain flexible and adaptable. You might encounter challenges or unexpected situations, but being open to learning and adjusting will help you navigate them effectively.

Week 5-6: Contributing and Showcasing Your Value

1. Deep Dive into Projects:

 Begin immersing yourself in ongoing projects. Understand their status, objectives, and your role in them. Ask questions and offer fresh perspectives if applicable.

2. Network Further:

 Expand your network by reaching out to colleagues beyond your immediate team. Schedule virtual coffees or meetings to learn about their roles and how you can collaborate.

3. Document Your Progress:

 Keep a log of your achievements, tasks completed, and milestones reached. It will help you track your progress and can be useful for performance reviews.

4. Initiate New Ideas:

 Propose innovative ideas or solutions to existing challenges. Present them to your team or manager, showcasing your problem-solving skills and creativity.

5. Take on Additional Responsibilities:

 Volunteer for tasks or projects outside your primary role if manageable. It demonstrates your willingness to contribute beyond expectations.

6. Communicate Impact:

 Whenever you complete a task or project, communicate the impact it has made. Quantify results wherever possible (e.g., time saved, efficiency improved) to highlight your contributions.

7. Establish Your Professional Brand:

 Begin establishing your professional presence. Share your insights or experiences on company forums, social media (if permitted), or through internal newsletters to showcase your expertise.

Week 7-8: Building a Long-Term Presence

1. Mentorship and Learning Opportunities

    - Identify potential mentors within the organization who can help you grow in your role and career.

    - Explore opportunities for further learning or training.

2. Cross-Functional Collaboration

    - Start collaborating with colleagues from different departments or teams. This helps you understand the organization holistically and builds a network.

    - Share your expertise with others outside your immediate team when applicable.

3. Reflect and Adjust

    - Reflect on your first 60 days. What worked well, and what can be improved?

    - Make necessary adjustments to your personal development plan and goals.

4. Express Gratitude

    - Show appreciation for the opportunities and support you've received during your first 60 days.

    - A simple thank-you note or message can go a long way in building positive relationships.


The first 60 days at work are a crucial period for making a great first impression and setting the stage for your long-term success. By following this comprehensive plan, which emphasizes understanding the company culture, building relationships, demonstrating your value, and constantly learning and growing, you can ensure a successful start to your career. Remember, making a great first impression is not just about your initial interactions; it's an ongoing process that contributes to your overall professional reputation and success within the organization.


1. How crucial are the first 60 days at a new job?

The initial 60 days significantly influence perceptions and career trajectory. They set the stage for relationships and future opportunities within the organization.

2. What should I do if I make a mistake during this period?

Acknowledge the mistake, take responsibility, and seek solutions. It's an opportunity to learn and showcase your ability to handle challenges.

3. Is it necessary to socialize outside of work hours to make a good impression?

While it's beneficial to build rapport, it's not obligatory. Focus on professionalism during work hours while engaging in team activities or events if comfortable.

4. How do I handle conflicts with colleagues in the initial phase?

Approach conflicts calmly and professionally. Seek dialogue, understand perspectives, and strive for a mutually beneficial resolution.

5. Can I request changes to my job role during the first 60 days?

If necessary for your growth and alignment with the company's needs, discuss it professionally with your supervisor, providing a solid rationale.

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